Tuesday, November 8, 2011

S|S: Home Cooked Food


Went home for the weekend, finally...and I DID NOT REALIZE HOW MUCH I MISSED MOMMY'S COOKING!
She's an amazing chef and spoiled my family with new dishes for every meal :]
I always appreciated that my mom would never make us eat leftovers and made new food for us every night for dinner, even though I still ate the leftovers for breakfast the next day since it was so good anyway!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Home Kitchen: Trader Joe's in my Apartment

I live right above Trader Joe's and that is oh-so-good for my palate,  but oh-so-bad for my wallet!!

Home Kitchen | Pumpkin Pie Spice Latte

Woke up this morning with another craving for pumpkin spiced something.

It's another Study Sunday for me (more midterm cramming >.<) so I decided to follow up my Pumpkin Pie Spice list with this pick-me-up.

Blended Pumpkin Pie Spiced Soy Latte

1. Brew favorite coffee
2. Fill small Magic Bullet mug with ice
3. Add a teaspoon of agave nectar 
4. Add half mug of soy milk (with the ice in it)
5. Add pinch of Pumpkin Pie Spice to taste
6. Take 2-3 of the ice cubes from mug and mix with coffee to cool it down before pouring into mug
7. Pour coffee into mug
8. Blend away! Who needs a brother when you've got a blender (note the foam in the cup!)

** May want to add a bit of cinnamon if TJ's pumpkin pie spice is used. Theirs has a tad more ginger, which is great for the pie...but a bit too spicy for a latte!

** Drinking cold coffee with a straw makes me feel like I'm staining my teeth less :]

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fashion | Fall in Full Swing!


Scarf Express
Jacket Love Stitch
White Tee Zara
Jeans Zara
Earplugs Apple ;p

Yes! The first consistent chill has broke! Or at least

Sunday, October 23, 2011

S|S Thank you Mr. Jobs


There's probably an App for that

I am eternally grateful to Steve Jobs

Thursday, October 13, 2011

22 Years Young

Goodbye 21 and hello 22. My birthdays always prompt me to make an equivalent to a new years resolution. I'll admit that I have yet to follow through, but this year...
(let's see how long I can go)

My BDAY RESOLUTION for my 22nd year: this time next year, I'm going to look back through these posts, heart filled with happiness, pride, satisfaction.

Goals (academic, career)

Here goes my year-long journey filled hopefully with smiles, love, amazing food, and style.
